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Thread: Soldier Implants

  1. #1

    Soldier Implants

    How exactly do the Soldiers out there arrange their implants? Could somebody post their setup here so I can see and include the weapon you currently use? I'm trying to figure out the best possible implant setup but I quickly found a lot of clusters clash with each other (Such as Ranged Energy and Matter Creation).

    Since my current project is a Soldier, I wanted to see what works for people.

    Thanks in Advance.

  2. #2
    Here's my rifle weilding soldier implant setup. Using a Catterwaul, but looking for an X-3. These are set up for Agility/Strenght Armor.

    If you want to use sense/agi armor then these will change abit. Flowers Tech rocks though and i couldn't give it up.

    All the implants use agility or stamina as their required stat now. Happy implanting.

    shining bright faded

    Head: Matter creation / Ranged initiative / Blank

    Chest: Max Health / Imp/proj AC / Strenght

    Ear: Blank / Concealment / Intelligence

    Eye: Rifle / Intelligence / Time and Space

    Left Arm: blank / strenght / Chemical AC

    Right Arm: Strenght / Chemical AC / Radiation AC

    Left Wrist: Blank / Run Speed / Rifle

    Right Wrist: Ranged Initiative / Rifle / Blank (Fling shot)

    Leg: Agility / Evade Close Combat / Max Health

    Left Hand: Fast Attack / Fire AC / Cold AC

    Right Hand: Martial Arts / Matter Creation / Ranged initiative

    Waist: Fire or Cold AC / Max Health / Agility

    Feet: Evade Close Combat / Agility / Duck Explosions

    edit: after playing around abit i found that i could drop the faded sense from the head implant and that makes it use agility instead of int as a req, and if you use Cold or Fire protection in the waist shining AC slot it uses stamina. So if you drop perception from the ear and use fire or cold protect instead of chem from the waist all the implants use agility and stamina as their required stat.
    Last edited by Lumbarin; Jul 7th, 2002 at 17:16:48.

  3. #3
    -Shining Matter Creation
    -Bright Ranged Init
    -Faded Sense

    -Shining Aimed shot
    -Bright Ranged Energy
    -Faded Assault Rifle

    -Shining Perception
    -Bright Concealment
    -Faded Intelligence

    -Shining Max Life
    -Bright Psychic
    -Faded Sen Imp

    Right Arm
    -Shining Assault Rifle
    -Bright Brawl
    -Faded Rad AC

    Left Arm
    -Shining Brawl
    -Bright Strength
    -Faded Chem AC

    -Shining Chem AC
    -Bright Max Life
    -Faded Evade Close Combat

    Right Wrist
    -Shining Ranged Init
    -Bright Burst
    -Faded Flingshot

    Left Wrist
    -Shining Multi Ranged (I put it in there simply because I hate empty spots)
    -Bright Runspeed
    -Faded Nano resist (again, just for the hell of it)

    -Shining Dodged Ranged
    -Bright Evade Close Combat
    -Faded Max Life

    Right Hand
    -Shining Weapon Smithing
    -Bright Assault Rifle
    -Faded Burst

    Left Hand
    -Bright Fire AC
    -Faded Energy

    -Shining Evade Close Combat
    -Bright Dodged Ranged
    -Faded Duck

    *The above assumes you use a Novaflow, or AR/RE hybrid.

    Bio met and Matter met lines aren't worthwhile, and are mainly a fallback when you have tons of ip to spare, so your main focus should be in Psy Mod/Sen imp(up to 285 so you can cast RE mastery with expertise, then you should let that slide for a while as the next buffs are over 400 in skill) Matter crea/T&S for TMS and deflection/reflection shields.

    Disclaimer:My implant layout is by no means, the best, or the 'standard layout'. Simply my thoughts. You are of course free to try out different weapon types, such as Rifle, or Shotgun.

    If you decide to go with a Custom Heavy Suppressor or River Series 6, you can slide in a Faded SMG in the chest, but the other clusters conflict with Assault Rifle.
    Perfection breeds weakness.

    Obergeist-Burning bright, Above the head ghost

    Mdgprogram-Fearful symmetry <---beat the every lovin' crap out of a level 60 soldier at 49

    Stronger, better, faster, push it

    The Troll Corps want you!tm
    General in the Troll Corps tm

  4. #4

    -Shining Matter Creation
    -Bright Ranged init
    -Faded Perception

    -Shining Life
    -Bright Matter Metamorphosis (I chose this for ac buffs.. eventually)
    -Faded Senseory Imp

    -Shining Perception
    -Bright Psychology
    -Faded Psycho Modi

    -Shining Aimed Shot
    -Bright Psycho Modi (I dunno why this ones not RE.. i'll have to check in game )
    -Faded Assault Rifle

    -Shining Brawling
    -Bright Rad AC
    -Faded Matter Met.

    -Shining Assault Rifle
    -Bright Chem AC
    -Faded Parry

    -Shining Multi Ranged
    -Bright Run Speed
    -Faded Nano Resistance

    -Shining Ranged Init
    -Bright Bursting (I can probably switch to FA here now, just havn't gotten around to it yet. I used bursting origionally so I could self equip my nova without riot)
    -Faded Fling Shot

    -Shining Duck
    -Bright Evade
    -Faded Life

    -Shining Fast Attack (what they hell eh )
    -Bright Fire AC
    -Faded LR Energy

    -Shining Wpn Smithing
    -Bright Assault Rifle
    -Faded Bursting (again so I could self equip my nova. Will probably switch to ranged init)

    -Shining Chem AC
    -Bright Life
    -Faded Full Auto

    -Shining Evade
    -Bright Dodge
    -Faded Duck

    This is for a solitus soldier at lvl 154 using a nova flow and a ql 151 flashpoint. I can cast total focus and mirror 8. My attack rating while buffed is 930 or so.

    edit - This is with enough points in all my skills to not care what requirement the implants need (as long as it's not psychic). At lower levels you'll have to compromise a bit to get agil based implants when possible, or str/stam)
    Last edited by Sredni; Jul 7th, 2002 at 23:15:56.
    Sredniaka Sherrmanaka Posthasteaka Thanatopsysaka Vashtareliusaka Nnerroaka Alexxander

    "Quidquid latine dictum, sit altum viditur"

    Sredni Vashtar went forth,
    His thoughts were red thoughts and his teeth were white.
    His enemies called for peace, but he brought them death.
    Sredni Vashtar the Beautiful.
    by HH Munro

  5. #5

    Some of those implants have a high intel, sense requirnemt. Do you guys raise those attributes to fit those implants in because that seems like alot of ip

  6. #6
    Originally posted by Xikon

    Some of those implants have a high intel, sense requirnemt. Do you guys raise those attributes to fit those implants in because that seems like alot of ip
    At least I do, can't speak for the others here. When you get higher level you'll realize that you don't have much else to spend ips on.

    Besides spending IPs on baseabillities is important. If you look at the skill tree and look at for instance the nanoskills they are 80% dependant upon intelligence. A 100% skill you get 1 'free' point pr 4 point of baseabillity you raise. So raise intelligence with 100 and you get 100*0.80 (80% dependant upon intelligence) = 80 / 4 = 20 skill points extra to all nano skills.

  7. #7
    At lvl 154 my str/agil/stam/int are all maxed (460ish I think). sense is at 404, and psychic is at 6.

    I'll be hitting breed caps soon and once that happens I'll finish raising sense and start with psychic.

    But this is only recently, at lower levels you'll have a hard time finding the ip to max your base skills. *shrug*
    Sredniaka Sherrmanaka Posthasteaka Thanatopsysaka Vashtareliusaka Nnerroaka Alexxander

    "Quidquid latine dictum, sit altum viditur"

    Sredni Vashtar went forth,
    His thoughts were red thoughts and his teeth were white.
    His enemies called for peace, but he brought them death.
    Sredni Vashtar the Beautiful.
    by HH Munro

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