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Thread: Desperately in need of help

  1. #1

    Post Desperately in need of help

    Hello, I'm an omni engi on rk2.

    I need help, because now, at level 100, I am pretty much stuck there. I COULD go and get a yellow solo mission, but that would take about 5 hours to complete, and the whole mission will only give about, what, like 100k out of 1.5 mil needed to get to next level...

    So........ what I would like to know, is how other higher level engineers have been doing to reach 200. I'm not out to reach that level so that I can PvP. I only want to reach that level so that there will be no more buff begging, no more stupid boring missions. I just want to get there to be able to self cast those cool slayer driods/transfernece, and to be the one who is able to actually make decent armor/weapon/implants/etc.

    Any help is greatly appreciated.

  2. #2

    well you could.....

    Roll an alt becasue I will tell you if you go to BS on Rk1 someitmes as an engineer I have to wait.........and wait.......... and wait to get into a team. Most of the time I think they do it just because I take the time to go get mocham's and have a bot that is close to ql as that of the misison. So they must be thinking" hey get the engi good cannon fodder for us" or " damn that engi has been there for awhile maybe we should let him in teh group just maybe she has something that we can use" . For some reason I feel like I am that fat kid in little leauge that nobody wanted, and if anybody picked him it was iether as the last choice to even teams or they felt sorry for him. So you have two options

    option 1: Beg a Mp for mocham's and go hunting

    option 2: Beg an MP for mocham's and take a mission that is close to ql of the bot and hope to hell the mob does not aggro you when you are trying to heal the bot.

    other than that there is not option.

    though I could be wrong I have only had an engineer main for the last 127 lvl's

    It's true I am a masochist I keep my engineer as a main

    Main Entry: AO Engineer
    Pronunciation: a- oh en-gin ear
    Function: noun
    Etymology: International Scientific Vocabulary, from Cathern "plamatorch" Gomes 2002
    Date: circa 2002
    2 : pleasure in being abused or dominated : a taste for suffering

    Why do traders try to be engineers???
    Last edited by PlasmaTorch; Jul 19th, 2002 at 16:15:28.

  3. #3


    I don't know, it's just so nice, and yet sad, to see more and more high level engis everyday, who can summon slayers. From one perspective, they are giving me hope, that the engineers might still have someway of leveling up quickly, and yet, at the same time, they discourage me, being that it takes like 3 days to get just ONE level, and then theres the full awareness of the 90 or so more levels to go, it just kills the hope

  4. #4

    Arrow 125+ engi'

    most got there before pet pathing became a joke and 'speed' missons became the norm.
    Most lvl 150+ Have poured ip's in skills to become a fighter (strap on shottie or nova)

    You want to lvl?
    My advise is get your self in to a good guild who understands the pet profession you will get a team then and they will appretiate your trade skills (combined with a trader you will be able to do all kinds of stuff).

    The only time my lvl148 engineer comes off the shelf is for guild team work. For instance we got 12 virral eggs with 1 enforcer, 2 engi's, 1 doc, 1 fixer and 1 NT. I tried a 30% mission in clon**** (subway) and nearly got raped by 3 greys LOL. Did a 75% in B/S and owned the mobs... go figure.

    I am fed up of team missions... i want to hunt

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