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Thread: Greetings all:) - A proposal from friendly MP:)

  1. #1

    Greetings all:) - A proposal from friendly MP:)

    Greetings all :-)

    I have been spending some time on MA boards lately. I am a level 130+ Meta physicist who is slowly learning the fine Martial Arts.

    I have been so happy with what I have seen so far, I propose that free exchange of knowledge can only benefit both our noble professions .

    I have already tried to spread the Word of Mocham to any Martial Artists who seemed in need of it (i.e. lvl 120-160ish) to reach the highest planes of learning. In particular, I have preached the knowledge of Time and Space, Psychological Modification and Sensory Improvement to anybody who would accept such knowledge (had NCUs free). If I have been mistakenly spreading the wrong word, please do tell me .

    I have been spending a lot of time in my home city of Newland lately, so if you are in need and I have somehow passed you, do not hesitate to send me a tell. I can easily be found in any part of Rubi-ka (I'm not anonymous, so /list nostra343 will tell you if I'm nearby). Of course, even with the best intentions, occasionally I get quite busy, and we Meta-physicists have been known to be slightly forgetful, so if I don't respond, feel free to ask again in a minute.

    At the same time, if you have knowledge that can further my own meager learning, I would be extremely honoured to accept it ([i]MA mastery, 4 fists, etc).

    I hope you will not see me as an usurper trying to invade your rightful domain, but rather a friendly convert (if you will) humbly attempting to learn your ways.

    Cheers all,

    Nostra343 - the crazy tanking fighting nuking debuffing healing cursing nanomage MP.

  2. #2
    aah nostra343, I exchanged some knowledge with you a few days ago, and I must say to all ma's that it was an exchange that was very much beneficial to both parties involved

    So if you see me in nl I'll gladly agree to another exchange of knowledge


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