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Thread: Martial Arts Suites - Could you make them useful Funcom?

  1. #1

    Martial Arts Suites - Could you make them useful Funcom?

    I'd really like to wear them in battle but I'm taking SO much damage when I try that I have to go back to my Flowers and Primus coat and helm.

    Can't we do SOMETHING to make the MA suites a viable alternative?
    Increase the AR?
    Add Sense and/or Evade bonuses to make up for the lack of gloves or helm?

    Something? Anything?

  2. #2


    been thinking much the same thing myself.
    Nano Resist perhaps?


  3. #3


    Good idea. they should make it like the Biomech armor for Docs. Each peice of MA armor adds a bonus to MA and brawl Skill.

    I'd be willing to take a hit to my AC level to get a boost to my attack rating and brawl.

    And of course, the bonus would only apply if the wearer is an MA


  4. #4
    BUMP good idea.

    It's sad when i have a set of ql 55 to 60 ma armor and don't wear it in favor of the ql 52 to 54 suit of flowers i have right now. The extra AC is nice but the flowers does give a better across the board non impact and melee AC's.
    It would be nice to see our armor give some type of damge bonus or a higher specific AC bonus. Like giving twice the impact/projectile/melee bonus of normal armor(we are after all a class thats supposed to get up in your face).

  5. #5

    Re: thoughts

    Originally posted by Virind
    Good idea. they should make it like the Biomech armor for Docs. Each peice of MA armor adds a bonus to MA and brawl Skill.

    I'd be willing to take a hit to my AC level to get a boost to my attack rating and brawl.

    And of course, the bonus would only apply if the wearer is an MA


    Just make MA armor, i don't know, MA skill sensitive. And add the darn bonuses.

  6. #6
    So why should you be required to be an MA? Only an MA would really wear it anyway. You don't see many non-docs running around in Biomech, now do you?

  7. #7

  8. #8
    i say they make ma suits to be like battle suits(backslot no other armor on at same time)

    have them give bonus of some sort( not to significant ,other will cry nerf)

    and have them difernet colors black,gold,red,blue

    possible let them add to evades since they are so light

  9. #9


    All of these are nice ideas.

    I would be happy if the complete suit offered competitive AC with a Senpai suit. (Add a martial artist suit cloak that does not change the appearance of the MA or just adds a pleated pants.)

    That would be very nice and not hard to do.

  10. #10
    Bump - give the MA's Armour (thats practical and works)!
    I must warn you that I fight very dirty, I spit and fart and soil myself


    "Sings we a dances of Wolves
    Who smells fear and slays the coward

    Sings we a dances of Mans
    Who smells Gold and slays his brother"

  11. #11
    Wearing a full suit of all ql79 Senpai Primus atm, it would take one h3ll of a bonus on that MA Suit to get me to switch over to sen/agi armor. Wore a full suit of ql25 MA armor for awhile and, while I looked very cool, my AC sucked for my level (14 of 15 I think). Kept getting hit for rediculous amounts of damage by standard everyday mobs. When I finally ditched the MA Suit and went to Primus, the mobs were all stuck at min damage again (as they should be) and I could solo reds again. No offense to you people that use it, but that MA armor sux bad right now. I think I'd rather wear Kevlar.

    Could be just me tho.
    Filing reports, requesting supplies, delegating tasks, and shooting anyone who didn't read this morning's memo.

    Beating people to death for a better tomorrow.

    Binding wounds, healing the sick, and providing shotgun courtesy service with a smile

  12. #12
    great idea... ma suits! go MA SUITS!
    make them OUR armour!
    and give us gloves and maybe some kind of head gear to go along with it as well...
    aight catch ya on the flipside

  13. #13
    Just some chemical protection and the rest of the set would be a nice start. The only reason I stopped wearing it and went basic tech/flowers was the total lack of chemical AC. Since shield wielding mobs appear in pretty much every mission I have ever had and they were destroying me in MA armour, I was forced to switch.

    Would be nice if there was a upgraded set like other armour types as well. There should have been some MA along the line that dabbled in different materials for his/her suit or what ever and came up wih an improved outfit. It seems like there was someone to tinker with every other armour type out there that managed to add some improvements. In the case of most armours they were improved a couple times it seems actually.

    A MA cloak would be nice also. Make it dependent on MA skill to wear and put a colored belt graphic on it to show your rank(ie: higher level cloaks/MA skill = green through black belts). Anyhow, that would seem cool/fun to me.

  14. #14
    Originally posted by Engelstein
    So why should you be required to be an MA? Only an MA would really wear it anyway. You don't see many non-docs running around in Biomech, now do you?
    Yupp, seen plenty of non-docs run around in Biomech.. Its nice bonus, not just for docs.. My Meta uses them, and I know at least one MA's that uses Biomech.. *waves at Lethalfire*

    Aren't we supposed to be nimble hardhitting weapons of destruction? So wearing light armor should rightfully give those choosing to do so a benefit. Maybe a boost to PhysInit (once it is fixed at least), MA and evades.
    Amalia 'Ageny' Dorph
    Lvl 107 (Assassin)

  15. #15


    Shame no one from Funcom cares about this eh... Be nice if they'd listen to such things but they don't. Its just not practical to peruse these threads till they find the ones with good ideas. If only they had a department who handled SPECIFICALLY the ideas of the community. That would probably make something like this a reality.

  16. #16
    ideas are supposed to be sent to
    funcom says this board is for us, so they stay behind the scenes

  17. #17

    Are you pondering what I'm pondering, Pinky?

    Good lord. I'll be cc'ing all posts to suggestions from now on.

    The ideas are great. One thing about the suit that I like very much is the lack of a helmet. It would be nice if the AC of each piece were slightly higher to compensate for the two missing pieces. After all, I think it really is a style choice we are talking about here. Everyone wants a little variety. I certainly loathe walking around as a Senpai clone. LOATHE.

    There need to be more options out there that are excellent. You can't just have a single set of armor that is _the_ best. It makes no sense and you will end up with everyone doing exactly the same thing.

    For that reason above all others, I wish there would be a set or set of MA suits with progressively better protection. MA suits aren't social armor. We have Kung-Fu suits for that.

    Oh, the colors idea is AWESOME. It's AWESOME, I say! Why can't we dye armor? Eh? Why can't we go to a Tailor shop and have the Tailor embroider a new design on the back of our MA suit? WHY?

    Mind you, if Funcom would rather fix all the awful bugs that have existed since the beginning of the game and still do...I can wait for colors and embroidery :-). But since I have no hope of that(!), how 'bout them tailors?

  18. #18
    some ideas for head armor to go with a martial arts armor, a head band (a la karate kid and a ton of other movies)... uhh... a ninja hood but they'd really need to make an appropriate looking suit to go with it

  19. #19


    I dunno about you, but I'm going full Flowers Tech armor and a ninja hood! :-)

  20. #20

    Oh yeah?

    In that case i'll go with battered Urban Battle Suit and a Ninja hood )..

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